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Welcome to the Alectra Utilities customer newsletter: your source for timely and helpful electricity news that matters to you. Stay informed with short articles about Alectra services, new developments, support programs, electricity prices, energy conservation, safety tips and much more.
We are aware that some customers have had issues accessing My Alectra, and we’ve improved the login instructions in support of your feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience.
My Alectra is an all-new experience for securely managing your account online. Find everything you need to view your account balance, due date and payment history, pay your bills and analyze your electricity use.
- Use your existing username and password to log in to My Alectra.
- To register as a new user, you’ll need your account number, your name as it appears on your bill, and your phone number.
If you’re registered for paperless billing, you’ll continue to receive your monthly ebill notice by email. Get started and watch our new how-to videos at: AlectraUtilities.com/MyAlectra

Does your bill seem high this month? It could be increased air conditioning. Stay cool without breaking the bank: Use fans to circulate air, close curtains during the day, and use A/C and appliances during off-peak times. Get more tips to save energy and money this summer and watch our new video at: AlectraUtilities.com/SummerBills
Did you know Alectra routinely inspects and replaces customer meters as part of our maintenance and compliance programs? In 2024, Alectra will be replacing more than 30,000 meters that are aged or scheduled for testing. Your meter is typically located at the side of your building and keeps track of electricity use.
Ensure our Meter Technicians can safely access your meter! Keep the area clear of pets, debris, vegetation, furniture, siding and building materials.

Dig safe this summer! Get a FREE underground cable locate before you start any outdoor projects that involve digging, like planting a tree or building a deck. Avoid the severe consequences of hitting a buried electrical line, from costly repairs to injuries. Call 1-800-400-2255 or OntarioOneCall.ca, with service available 24/7.
- Don’t fly toys near power lines. Keep kites, balloons, remote control helicopters, drones and other airborne toys well away.
- Electrical equipment is not safe for play. Don’t play on the ground-mounted green transformer boxes in yards or parks, and never climb utility poles.
- Check before climbing trees. Look carefully for hidden power lines covered by branches and leaves, and avoid these trees.
- If you see a downed power line, don’t touch it. Stay back at least 10 metres or 33 feet – about the length of a school bus – to avoid a dangerous shock, and call 9-1-1.
Have a safe and happy summer!

We understand that unexpected challenges may impact your ability to keep your Alectra bill up to date. We have several payment assistance programs: the Ontario Electricity Support Program, Low-income Energy Assistance Program, Equal Payment Plan and Arrears Payment Agreement. If we’ve tried reaching out to you, it’s vital that you contact us immediately to set up flexible payment arrangements to avoid any disruption in service.
Call us at our dedicated customer payment support number 1-844-547-1542, open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to make a payment and set up a flexible payment plan. For more information, visit: AlectraUtilities.com/Help

2024 investments in your city: Alectra invests almost $300 million into our electrical grid each year. Check out the upgrades in our new capital construction plan. We’re also committing $1.3 million to grassroots organizations through AlectraCARES: See our current list and get involved where you live.
If you’re a residential or small business customer, you can choose to switch between 3 electricity options depending on your personal lifestyle: Time-of-Use (TOU), Tiered and the new Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) plan, which may be right for EV users who charge at home at night. Here’s how:
- Sign up for or log into My Alectra at AlectraUtilities.com/MyAlectraLogin to switch your rate option under Billing > Rate Analysis; or
- Submit a rate option selection form without needing to log in, available at: AlectraUtilities.com/CustomerChoice
If you change your plan, you can decide to switch back at any time. To continue with your current price plan, no action is required. Visit AlectraUtilities.com/CustomerChoice to learn more about choosing your rate option.
The summer TOU hours and summer Tier threshold of 600 kWh for residential customers are in effect from May 1, 2024, to October 31, 2024. The ULO hours remain consistent year-round. Prices remain unchanged, and the Ontario Electricity Rebate is 19.3 per cent.
Visit AlectraUtilities.com/Rates for current electricity prices in your area.

Keep yourself safe from scammers. Never disclose any personal information, including your credit card, bill or account number. See more tips at: AlectraUtilities.com/Scams-Fraud
Looking for an update about an outage? Use our new live web chat to get 24/7 assistance: AlectraUtilities.com/Report-Outage
Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover? Send us your suggestions and feedback at: Newsletter@AlectraUtilities.com.
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