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Welcome to the Alectra Utilities customer newsletter: your source for timely and helpful electricity news that matters to you. Stay informed with short articles about Alectra services, new developments, support programs, electricity prices, energy conservation, safety tips, and much more.
Through the AlectraCARES Community Support Program, we proudly give back to ensure our communities have the resources they need to thrive. Our community support efforts include sharing the power of our people through customer service excellence and volunteerism, as well as aiding the work of local charities and not-for-profit organizations that promote sustainability, diversity, health and well-being.
In the past five years, AlectraCARES has provided over $5 million in cash and in-kind donations to support hundreds of community-based programs throughout our service area.
Visit Alectra.com/About-Community-Support to watch our 5 Years of Caring video and learn more.
Starting July 1, 2022, common areas in predominantly residential multi-unit complexes (e.g., condominiums, apartments), mobile home parks, and retirement residences are eligible for the Ontario Electricity Rebate. Newly eligible business customers may apply using the self-declaration form at: AlectraUtilities.com/OERform
Businesses currently receiving the rebate under the legacy exemption that remain eligible under the new provisions (common areas, mobile home parks, retirement residences) should also contact Alectra Utilities to ensure that they continue to receive the rebate as of November 1, 2022. Visit AlectraUtilities.com/OER for more information about the Ontario Electricity Rebate.
Thank you to the residential customers and local businesses in Vaughan, Markham, Richmond Hill, Barrie, and Hamilton who participated in the GridExchange pilot program. The program proved the enormous value that customer-generated energy resources (e.g., rooftop solar panels, battery storage, EVs) bring to the electricity grid. Learn more by visiting: AlectraUtilities.com/GridExchange
The 2022 Canada Summer Games are taking place from August 6 to 21, 2022, and Alectra Utilities will be there as the Official Energy Supplier. The new Henley Rowing Centre (HRC) on Henley Island in St. Catharines is a fully accessible, world-class training facility, with a rooftop solar energy system installed by Alectra. This solar-powered system will produce about 43,000 kWh of renewable electricity each year, which will offset the HRC’s energy requirements and allow it to operate at net zero. We’re proud to support the legacy and opportunity these Games will bring to the community for years to come. See more ways we’re leading the transition to net zero at: Alectra.com/Grid-Innovation
Image Source: Raimondo & Associates Architects Inc.

If you’re a residential or small business customer, you can choose to switch between Time-of-Use (TOU) and Tiered electricity prices. Here’s how:
- Sign up for or log into My Account at AlectraUtilities.com/MyAccountLogin to switch your rate option under Meter Data and Price Comparison; or
- Submit a Rate Option Selection form online, by email, or by postal mail. The form is available at: AlectraUtilities.com/CustomerChoice
If you recently switched price plans but want to switch back, you can do that too.
To continue with your current price plan, no action is required.
Considering a switch? Use the electricity usage information from your bill and the Ontario Energy Board bill calculator at OEB.ca/Calculator to see what your total bill would look like with TOU and Tiered prices.

Reminder: The summer TOU hours and summer Tier threshold of 600 kWh for residential customers are in effect from May 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022. Prices remain unchanged, and the Ontario Electricity Rebate is 17.0 per cent. Visit AlectraUtilities.com/Rates for current electricity prices in your area.
We’re committing to plant a tree for every customer who switches to ebilling, up to 10,000 trees across Alectra’s communities, to help fight climate change.
By switching to ebilling, together we can reduce the environmental impact of paper bills each year* by:
- Reducing 199,445 pounds of waste
- Lowering water usage by 3.6 million gallons
- Eliminating almost 3 million pounds of carbon dioxide
- Saving over 4 billion BTUs of energy
Join us alongside Forests Ontario in protecting and restoring the green spaces in your community. Switch to ebilling today at: AlectraUtilities.com/GoGreen
(*Alectra Utilities annual paper billing figures)

High summer temperatures can drive up your air conditioning usage. To stay cool without breaking the bank, use fans to circulate the air, close curtains during the day to keep the hot sun out, and use appliances during lower off-peak price periods. For more energy-saving tips to help lower your costs, watch our video at: AlectraUtilities.com/SummerBills
Some scams can be threatening, while others sound too good to be true. If you receive a suspicious phone call, text or email, Alectra Utilities advises that you always check your most recent bill and:
- Never pay for a charge that isn’t listed on your bill.
- Never provide your credit card or personal account information.
- Don’t click on suspicious links or call an unknown phone number.
- Do call Alectra Customer Service at 1-833-253-2872 to check your account status.
If you believe you may be a victim of fraud, report the incident to the Canadian Anti-fraud Centre online at AntiFraudCentre.ca or by phone at 1-888-495-8501.

Behind on your bills? Alectra offers flexible payment plans and support programs to help you get back on track. Call us at 1-833-253-2872 to get started.
The Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) now offers emergency assistance up to $1,000. Visit AlectraUtilities.com/Payment-Assistance to learn more.
Do you have a topic you'd like us to cover? Send us your suggestions and feedback by getting in touch.
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