
Time-of-Use Pricing
Tiered Pricing

Prices effective November 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025






Up to 1,000 kWh per month

$0.093 per kWh

Residential customers 

More than 1,000 kWh per month 

$0.11 per kWh

Residential customers 

All Seasons

Up to 750 kWh per month

$0.093 per kWh

Non-residential accounts

More than 750 kWh per month 

$0.11 per kWh

Non-residential accounts

Ultra-Low Overnight Pricing
Retail Energy Contract

You can sign a contract with an energy retailer for your electricity supply. Energy retailers are private companies and are not associated with Alectra Utilities, the Ontario Energy Board, the government or any government program. However, the Ontario Energy Board licenses energy retailers and plays a role to ensure they follow the laws and rules that protect consumers from unfair or misleading business practices. For additional information, visit our Retail Energy Contract page.


Monthly Service Charge


Distribution Charge*

$0.0178 per kWh

Transmission Charge

$0.0211 per kWh

*An additional Global Adjustment Rate Rider per kWh applies to customers with a Retail Energy Contract

Line Loss Adjustment

3.60% of the Total Electricity Charge


Monthly Standard Supply Service Charge


Wholesale Market Service Charge*

$0.0060 per kWh

*Billed on Adjusted Usage

kWh = kilowatt-hour

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