We’re preparing to update our long-term investment plan, and establish the rates you pay and the services you receive for 2027–2031. Your input is very important for us so that we can continue delivering a modern and reliable service that supports your needs.

Your insights are more valuable than ever — especially with the electrification of vehicles and heating increasing, extreme weather becoming more frequent, and, generally, the anticipated growth in electricity demand for homes and businesses. Provide your feedback so we can improve our infrastructure reliability and outage restoration time, manage the growing demand for electricity, and maintain resilience of our grid.

You’ll also get one in 10 chances to win $1,500 in free electricity, applied as a credit directly to your account for residential and small business customers, or one of three team breakfasts or lunches valued at $500 for large business customers.

Why participate?


Help influence future rates.

Ensure that rates reflect your home or business’s needs and priorities. 


Support sustainable growth.

Help us plan for a future that balances growth with environmental stewardship.


Be heard.

Your feedback will directly impact our investment strategy and the future of energy in Ontario.


  • See the survey contest rules for residential and small business customers, and for large business customers.
  • The survey is conducted by Innovative Research Group, who will report all feedback to Alectra Utilities and the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). 
  • Because there are many important aspects to consider, the survey may take about 20 minutes to complete.
  • You may have seen this survey emailed to you as a unique link. Feel free to complete the survey there or at the above open link. 
  • Also, you may have seen a separate future planning survey in spring 2024, which asked you about investment priorities. That first round of customer feedback helped to create the specific rate options presented in the current fall survey. If you did the spring survey, you are more than welcome to participate in the fall survey as well.
  • Questions? Contact YourOpinion@Alectra.com


Alectra’s vision. Our collective future.

As a trusted and leading expert in energy, we are committed to:

enhancing the resiliency of infrastructure
increasing the reliability of electricity grids
making life more convenient for our customers

Together, we can build a better energy future.



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