Electric Vehicles

Many Canadians are enjoying the benefits of driving electric vehicles (EVs). EVs are less expensive to operate and maintain than gas vehicles, are better for the environment, and now have faster charging speeds and increased driving ranges. With a network of public charging stations in Ontario and across the country, you can rest assured that you’ll always reach your destination. 

If you have an EV or are thinking about buying one, here are some tips on electricity pricing, EV purchase incentives and rebates, how to charge your EV at home, and other frequently asked questions.

Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) Pricing

If you have an electric vehicle that you charge at home overnight, the Ultra-Low Overnight rate option may be of interest to you, because you’ll be able to take advantage of the very low-priced overnight period. 

The ULO price plan offers a new option to residential and small business customers in addition to the Time-of-Use and Tiered price plans. ULO has four price periods, one of which is a very low-priced overnight period between 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. every day. ULO price periods are the same all year round.

Current Ultra-Low Overnight Pricing

November 01, 2024 - October 31, 2025

ULO On-Peak
28.4 ¢/kWh
ULO Mid-Peak
12.2 ¢/kWh
ULO Off-Peak
7.6 ¢/kWh
ULO Ultra-Low Overnight
2.8 ¢/kWh


Weekday Ultra Low Overnight Pricing Bar Chart by Ontario Electricity Board
Weekend & Statutory Holidays


Weekend Ultra Low Overnight Pricing Bar Chart by Ontario Electricity Board

The best rate plan for you depends on your electricity consumption patterns. Don’t worry – there is no requirement or deadline to choose, and you can change rate plans at any time. To learn more about the ULO rate option and how to choose the electricity price plan that's right for you, visit Choose My Rate Option.

Buying an EV

Here are a few purchase incentives and rebates that may benefit you. We’ll keep this section updated as other incentives become available.

Important Update 

Canada’s ZEV Council and Transport Canada have announced that the federal Zero-Emission Vehicle (iZEV) incentive program has been paused as of January 12, 2025, due to full allocation of funds. 

For more information about this change, please visit the Government of Canada – Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) page.

Company Incentives 

Check with the Human Resources team at your place of employment. Some employers offer EV benefits such as workplace charging or preferred pricing at automotive dealerships that offer electric vehicles.

Charging an EV

For more information on types of chargers, how to charge your EV at home and other charging considerations, visit Electric Vehicle Charging 101

For information about installing an EV charger at your home or business, or to make a service request, please read the Electric Vehicle (EV) Connections section of the Make a Service Request page. 

If you live in a single-family home 

A Level 2 EV charger can add significant electrical load (generally, 40 amps) to your home. Having a garage or private driveway is the easiest way to enable your at-home charger installation, since having an interior/external wall next to where you park your EV is ideal. You’ll need a professional electrician to install a Level 2 charger. 

To find a list of licensed electrical contractors in your area, use this handy tool provided by the Electrical Safety Authority at findacontractor.esasafe.com.

If your electrical contractor determines that you need to upgrade your electrical service to accommodate a Level 2 EV charger, please follow the steps in the Service Upgrades section of the Make a Service Request page to submit your request to Alectra Utilities.

If you live in an apartment or condo 

Charging requirements will vary from building to building based on the building policies and infrastructure. Alectra Utilities encourages prospective EV owners to work with their condo corporation or building manager to identify solutions to meet their EV charging needs before purchasing the EV. Provincial regulations provide a process for both owners and condominium corporations seeking to install EV charging stations, but it is the responsibility of each condo corporation to implement this process.

Family charging an electric vehicle

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Alectra offer a special rate for EV charging?

If you have an electric vehicle that you charge at home overnight, the Ultra-Low Overnight price plan may be best for you, because you’ll be able to take advantage of the very low-priced overnight period. 

ULO pricing is based on the day of the week and time of day electricity is used, but with an ultra-low overnight rate that encourages shifting high electricity-usage activities to the lower overnight demand periods.

How do I sign up for the ULO price plan?

Visit Choose My Rate Option to help you make an informed choice about which electricity price plan is right for you and to submit a rate option selection form.

How does ULO benefit EV drivers and the grid?

The Ultra-Low Overnight price plan has four price periods, including the ultra-low overnight period between 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. every day, when demand for electricity is lowest on average, and a higher on-peak price for consumption between 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, when demand is usually higher. The ULO price periods are the same all year round. 

ULO benefits customers who are electric vehicle owners who can charge at home overnight, and others who can shift their general electricity use to overnight periods. It also helps our distribution system by reducing strain on the grid at peak times, such as during heat waves or cold snaps.

How can I find a public charger when I am on long road trips?

Across Canada, there are close to 20,000 public charging stations, many of which are Level 3 fast-chargers. To find an available public charging station in your city, other cities or along your route, you can visit: 

What benefits do I get with a Green Vehicle license plate in Ontario?

Your Green Vehicle license plate is a sign of your commitment to a cleaner Ontario. Vehicles with these plates have ongoing access to High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and no-cost access to High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes on Ontario’s 400-series highways and the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW), even if there is only one person in the car. HOV lanes are otherwise reserved for single-occupant vehicles with a permit or vehicles carrying two or more people. 

To check if your EV qualifies for a Green Vehicle license plate, please visit Ontario – Get a green license plate.

How do I have an EV charger installed at my home? How do I know if I need a service upgrade from Alectra?

For most residential services, a 200-amp service will adequately supply the requirement of an electric vehicle charger. It is recommended that you contact a qualified electrical contractor to confirm your requirements. If your electrical contractor determines that you need to upgrade your electrical service to accommodate a Level 2 EV charger, please follow the steps in the Service Upgrades section of the Make a Service Request page to submit your request to Alectra Utilities.

To find a list of licensed electrical contractors in your area, use the ESA’s contractor locator tool.

Contact Alectra


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