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Welcome to the Alectra Utilities customer newsletter: your source for timely and helpful electricity news that matters to you. Stay informed with short articles about Alectra services, new developments, support programs, electricity prices, energy conservation, safety tips and much more.
As we wrap up 2023, we’d like to wish all our customers a happy holiday season. Check out some of our recent activities supporting local organizations via our AlectraCARES Community Support Program below. Thank you for your community involvement over the past year! Learn more about our program at: Alectra.com/AlectraCARES
- Markham Moon Festival
- Wesley’s Hamilton Holiday Program
- Barrie Festival of Trees
- Brampton Winter Lights Festival
- Aurora Santa Under the Stars Parade
- Niagara Health Foundation Celebration of Light
Have your say: What causes and charities should Alectra support? Complete our new survey at: AlectraUtilities.com/AlectraCaresSurvey
Alectra’s 2022 Scorecard has been released, which informs customers about our outcomes in customer focus, operational effectiveness, public policy responsiveness and financial performance, measured by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). Alectra also filed a 2024 Distribution Rate Application to undertake underground cable projects. For more information, visit: AlectraUtilities.com/Regulatory-Affairs
Alectra Utilities has added an International eMV all-electric double bucket truck to its fleet, as part of the company’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The EV will be used by powerline technicians in day-to-day overhead line maintenance operations. Alectra’s truck is one of the first in Ontario.
Read more at: AlectraUtilities.com/EVTruck

Recently, Alectra celebrated the official opening of its brand-new consolidated operations centre, located at 200 Kennedy Road South in Brampton. This facility is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified to Gold Standard, meaning more energy and water savings and reduced CO2 emissions, and supports expected community growth in Peel.
Read more at: AlectraUtilities.com/KennedyBuilding

Farm stray voltages are small electrical potentials between metal stabling or equipment and floor surfaces. Stray voltages could impact an animal’s behaviour and disrupt the efficiency of the farming operation. To learn more, or to submit a complaint or inquiry, please review our Customer Response Procedure at: AlectraUtilities.com/Farm-Stray-Voltage
Even if you’re behind on payments, it’s important to remember that you’re still in control. Call us at our dedicated customer payment support number 1-844-547-1542, open Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to make a payment or set up flexible payment arrangements. Financial programs are available to help you get back on track, including the Arrears Payment Agreement, Equal Payment Plan, Low-income Energy Assistance Program, Ontario Electricity Support Program and Energy Affordability Program.
Visit: AlectraUtilities.com/Help

Keep your metering equipment accessible outside your home. This ensures accurate electricity and water billing, reduces power outage durations and helps our employees stay safe. Throughout winter, keep gates unlocked and walkways clear of any barriers – snow, ice, pets and landscaping – so our meter readers can access them.
If you’re a residential or small business customer, you can choose to switch between 3 electricity options: Time-of-Use (TOU), Tiered and the new Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) plan, which was introduced recently and may be right for EV users who charge at home at night. Here’s how:
- Sign up for or log into My Account at AlectraUtilities.com/MyAccountLogin to switch your rate option under Meter Data and Price Comparison; or
- Submit a Rate Option Selection form online, by email or by postal mail. The form is available at: AlectraUtilities.com/CustomerChoice
To continue with your current price plan, no action is required. Visit AlectraUtilities.com/CustomerChoice to learn more about choosing your rate option.

The winter TOU hours and winter Tier threshold of 1,000 kWh for residential customers are in effect from November 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. The ULO hours remain consistent year-round. The OEB raised prices province-wide, but the Ontario Electricity Rebate also increased to 19.3 per cent.
Visit AlectraUtilities.com/Rates for current electricity prices in your area.

Thank you to everyone who switched to ebilling this year. Haven’t switched yet? Visit: AlectraUtilities.com/GoPaperless
Follow @AlectraNews on X, formerly Twitter, for power outage updates in your area and more.
Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover? Send us your suggestions and feedback at: Newsletter@AlectraUtilities.com.
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