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Welcome to the Alectra Utilities customer newsletter: your source for timely and helpful electricity news that matters to you. Stay informed with short articles about Alectra services, new developments, support programs, electricity prices, energy conservation, safety tips, and much more.
Almost one in six Ontario households struggle with food insecurity. Local food banks, food pantries, and meal and snack programs in our communities ensure that vulnerable children, seniors, and families can access nutritious food. Each year, Alectra invests more than $100,000 in food programs across our service territory through the AlectraCARES Community Support Program.
This holiday season, join us in giving back to those who need it most by donating to a local food bank or supporting a holiday food drive in your community. For links to food banks in your neighbourhood, visit: Alectra.com/Community-Successes
The Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) has changed for 2022. Eligible customers may now apply for and receive LEAP more than once per year. The maximum grant amount has been increased to $1,000 ($1,200 for electrically heated homes) for energy customers who need it most. A local community support agency will assess if you qualify based on how many people live in the home and your combined household income.
To contact the agency in your area, visit AlectraUtilities.com/Help or call us at 1-833-253-2872 for more information.
Alectra’s 2021 Scorecard has been released. Annual scorecards provide our customers with information about the utility’s performance, which is measured in four key areas: customer focus, operational effectiveness, public policy responsiveness, and financial performance. Please visit AlectraUtilities.com/Regulatory-Affairs for more information.
We’d like to thank everyone who switched to paperless ebilling this year. This simple and sustainable change allowed us to reach our goal of planting 10,000 trees to help protect and restore green spaces in our communities.
Haven’t made the switch to paperless ebilling? There’s still time. Here’s how:
- Register for My Account at: AlectraUtilities.com/MyAccountSignUp
- Say “Yes” to ebilling
All you need is your Alectra Utilities account number and your last payment amount.
Thank you for your continued support. Happy Holidays!

If you’re a residential or small business customer, you can choose to switch between Time-of-Use (TOU) and Tiered electricity prices. Here’s how:
- Sign up for or log into My Account at AlectraUtilities.com/MyAccountLogin to switch your rate option under Meter Data and Price Comparison; or
- Submit a Rate Option Selection form online, by email, or by postal mail. The form is available at: AlectraUtilities.com/CustomerChoice
If you recently switched price plans but want to switch back, you can do that too. To continue with your current price plan, no action is required.
Considering a switch? Use the electricity usage information from your bill and the Ontario Energy Board bill calculator at OEB.ca/Calculator to see what your bill would look like with TOU and Tiered prices.

Reminder: The winter TOU hours and winter Tier threshold of 1,000 kWh for residential customers are in effect from November 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023. Prices were lowered, and the Ontario Electricity Rebate was changed to 11.7 per cent. Visit AlectraUtilities.com/Rates for current electricity prices in your area.
The system-wide supply mix is the combination of power sources that are used to generate the electricity consumed in Ontario. The table below discloses the system-wide electricity supply mix data for 2021, which was published by the Ontario Energy Board on September 12, 2022.
Electricity Sources
Ontario's Electricity Mix*
Nuclear Energy
Water Power
Natural Gas*
Solar PV
* Includes Lennox Generating Station and dual fuel (natural gas/bioenergy) consistent with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).
** IESO’s embedded generation data set combines biomass and gas.
*** Non-Contracted represents a variety of fuel types that the IESO is unable to categorize due to a lack of information from Local Distribution Companies (LDCs).
Note: Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding. Figures do not account for the sale and retirement of Clean Energy Credits (CECs).
Farm stray voltages are small electrical potentials between metal stabling/equipment and floor surfaces. Stray voltages could impact an animal’s behaviour and disrupt the efficiency of the farming operation. To learn more, or to submit a complaint or inquiry, please review our Customer Response Procedure at: AlectraUtilities.com/Farm-Stray-Voltage
Alectra Utilities recently completed a review of our Conditions of Service. This reference document outlines operating practices and connection policies in effect across Alectra’s service territory. The proposed changes to our Conditions of Service are posted for review at: AlectraUtilities.com/RCOS
To submit comments, email us at AlectraConditionsOfService@AlectraUtilities.com or send a letter to: Regulatory Affairs, Alectra Utilities Corporation, 2185 Derry Road West, Mississauga, Ontario L5N 7A6. Comments must be received by 4:30 p.m. on January 31, 2023.

Is your bill estimated? Call us at 1-833-ALECTRA to discuss how to read your meter or schedule an agent visit.
Looking for a form? You can find all the forms for requesting our services at: AlectraUtilities.com/Forms
Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover? Send us your suggestions and feedback at: Newsletter@AlectraUtilities.com.
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