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Welcome to the Alectra Utilities customer newsletter: your source for timely and helpful electricity news that matters to you. Stay informed with short articles about Alectra services, new developments, support programs, electricity prices, energy conservation, safety tips, and much more.
If you’re behind on your electricity bill, you may qualify for financial help through the Low-income Energy Assistance Program. LEAP offers emergency assistance up to $1,000 ($1,200 for electrically heated homes) to energy customers who need it most. A local social service agency will assess if you qualify based on how many people live in the home and your combined household income. Contact information for the agency in your area is available at AlectraUtilities.com/Payment-Assistance as well as other support applications. Call us at 1-833-253-2872 for more information or to set up a flexible payment plan that works for you.
The Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program is now available to businesses that were required to close or reduce capacity due to the modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen. Eligible businesses will receive rebate payments for a portion of the property tax and energy costs they incurred while subject to these measures. Businesses required to reduce capacity to 50 per cent, such as smaller retail stores, will receive a rebate equivalent to 50 per cent of their costs, while businesses required to close for indoor activities, such as restaurants and gyms, will receive a rebate equivalent to 100 per cent of their costs. Visit Ontario.ca/COVIDsupport for more information and to apply.
Want to avoid higher than normal bills caused by air conditioning in the summer or electric heating in the winter? Make budgeting easier! Sign up for an Equal Payment Plan to pay the same amount every month. Get started at: AlectraUtilities.com/EqualPayments
This year marks the five-year anniversary of Alectra Utilities! From the beginning, we believed there is strength in numbers, and that by joining together we can help shape the future of energy for the benefit of our customers. That vision has become a reality.
We’re celebrating the promises we made in 2017 to keep electricity rates as low as possible, invest in grid infrastructure, and improve customer service. Through our ongoing initiatives, Alectra continues to focus on enabling our customers, employees, partners, and communities to “discover the possibilities” and build a future based on clean, reliable, and affordable energy solutions.
Visit Alectra.com/News to read more about the highlights of the past five years and our plans for 2022 and beyond!

What outdoor projects are you planning this season – building a deck or fence, putting in a pool, planting a tree or digging a new garden? For your safety, remember to contact Ontario One Call first to have a FREE underground cable locate done. Here’s how:
Step 1: At least five days before you dig, submit a locate request at OntarioOneCall.ca or 1-800-400-2255.
Step 2: Locators from each utility with underground infrastructure in your area will come to mark the buried lines and cables.
Step 3: Dig safely. Respect the marks and follow the instructions that are provided.

If you’re planning to install a pool, you will need: 1) Municipal consent or permit; 2) Alectra Utilities clearance; 3) Electrical Safety Authority inspection. It’s important to follow all rules, regulations, and safety requirements. Contact us at 1-833-ALECTRA before installation begins to help prevent costly fixes in the latter stages.
These days, we all enjoy the advantage of doing more online. Don’t miss out on an easy, more convenient way to manage your account. Get 24/7 access to bills and transactions, your electricity usage and much more.
With My Account, you can:
- Compare your electricity usage with Time-of-Use vs. Tiered pricing.
- Switch your Time-of-Use or Tiered rate option after comparing prices.
- View your account balance, due date and payment history.
- View, save or print your current and past bills.
- Sign up for pre-authorized payments.
Plus, you can switch to paperless billing. It’s more convenient and secure, and you’ll get an email reminder when your statement is ready.
Go to AlectraUtilities.com/MyAccountSignUp to get started. You’ll need your email address and account number.

EVs: Present or Future? Thank you to the 8,000+ consumers and businesses who shared their opinions in our e-Mobility survey. Your feedback will help us advocate for new programs and incentives, and support your choice to drive clean. Watch for new programs at: Alectra.com/Enabling-e-Mobility Questions? Email us at: EV@AlectraUtilities.com
At Alectra Utilities, we strategically invest in upgrading aged electrical equipment and installing new infrastructure to strengthen and modernize our distribution grid to make it more resilient, reliable, and secure.
In 2022, we’re planning to invest approximately $247.2 million in the Alectra grid across our service territory, including the replacement of over 730 poles, over 400 transformers, the renewal of approximately 213 kilometres of electrical cable, and the installation of 90 new automated switching units. We’re also incorporating the advanced technologies necessary to meet our customers’ changing energy needs and to build the utility of the future.
Learn more about our investment in your community at: AlectraUtilities.com

Planned power interruptions are required to maintain and upgrade the electricity distribution system and provide you with safe, reliable service. Before committing to this essential work, we consider factors such as the time of day, weather forecasts, condition of assets, and alignment with other projects. In non-emergency situations, we’ll provide approximately five days’ notice of the date, time and duration of the planned outage, and Alectra’s contact information to answer any questions you may have. Remember – a shorter, planned outage today prevents a longer, unexpected outage tomorrow.
Be prepared before, during and after a power outage: AlectraUtilities.com/Prepared

To find out if you qualify for free energy-saving upgrades tailored to the needs of your home, visit SaveOnEnergy.ca/EAP
New distribution rates as of January 1, 2022. Visit AlectraUtilities.com/Rates for current electricity prices and distribution rates in your area.
Do you have a topic you'd like us to cover? Send us your suggestions and feedback by getting in touch.
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