Welcome to the Alectra Utilities customer newsletter, your source for timely and helpful electricity news that matters to you. Stay informed with short articles about Alectra services, new developments, support programs, Time-of-Use prices, conservation and safety tips, and much more.
We’re working to make your transition to Alectra Utilities as simple as possible. While we now have a new name and logo, billing processes remain unchanged. Please continue to make bill payments to the name and address of your legacy utility. For example, if your bill says PowerStream | Alectra Utilities, select PowerStream as the payee from your online banking portal. Our Customer Service team is available to assist you with any concerns you may have. Contact us at 1-833-253-2872.
Did you know that a programmable thermostat can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 10 per cent? Visit saveonenergy.ca to find out how you can lower your home’s energy use and live comfortably year-round for less with high-efficiency heating and cooling upgrades.
- Electricity bills will be lowered by 25 per cent on average for residential consumers
- Rate increases will be held to inflation for four years
- As many as half a million small businesses and farms will also benefit from this reduction
- Lower-income Ontarians and those living in eligible rural communities will receive even greater reductions, as much as a 40 to 50 per cent cut
The benefit will vary for individual consumers depending on electricity usage and service territory. These measures include the eight per cent rebate introduced in January 2017 and build on previous initiatives to deliver broad-based relief on all electricity bills. To find out more, visit Ontario.ca/FairHydroPlan.

The Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) is an Ontario Energy Board program that lowers electricity bills for lower-income households. On May 1, 2017 the OESP monthly credit amounts were increased by 50 per cent and more households can now qualify. Eligible customers can receive on-bill credits of $35 to $75 per month depending on how many people live in your home and your household income. Learn more about the program and apply today at OntarioElectricitySupport.ca. Already registered for the OESP? Contact Alectra Utilities at 1-833-253-2872 to see if it’s time to renew your OESP contract.

Being more efficient can generate more money to reinvest in your business. Get a free assessment and up to $2,000 towards lowering your electricity consumption through energy-efficient lighting upgrades. Plus, we’ll take care of the installation. To get started with the Small Business Lighting Program, contact us at 1-855-273-0951 or businessconservation@alectrautilities.com.
Join the thousands of customers who are taking advantage of our e-billing service. When you sign up for e-billing, you will receive your paperless bill in your inbox instead of your mailbox. With e-billing you can:
- Access your secure online account whenever you want
- Receive an email notification when your bill is available
- View current and past billing information online
- Download and save your bill electronically
- Reduce paper and help the environment
Visit alectrautilities.com/ebilling to sign up for e-billing today.

Keep you and your ladder at least three metres away from power lines when trimming trees, cleaning eaves troughs, inspecting your roof, or putting up holiday lights. If you notice that a tree is interfering with the power lines in your area, contact our Customer Care department at 1-833-253-2872.
The system-wide supply mix is the combination of power sources that are used to generate the electricity consumed in Ontario. The table on the right discloses the system-wide electricity supply mix data for 2016, which was published by the Ontario Energy Board on August 14, 2017.
*Includes both transmission (direct) and distribution (embedded) connected generation (Ontario Ministry of Energy)
**Includes duel-fuelled facilities that are predominantly natural gas (e.g., Lennox Generating Station)
Note: Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding.
Electricity Sources
Ontario's Electricity Mix*
Water power
Alternative power sources
Nuclear Energy
Natural Gas**
Customers are reminded that on-peak and mid-peak Time-of-Use time periods have changed to winter hours effective November 1, 2017. The Ontario Energy Board reduced Time-of-Use electricity prices on July 1, 2017 under the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan Act, 2017. These prices are in effect from July 1, 2017 through to April 30, 2018.
Find more information on Time-of-Use Pricing or Tiered Pricing to help you make an informed choice.
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