This is the cost of the electricity supplied to you during this billing period and is the part of the bill that is subject to competition. The electricity consumed is multiplied by the adjustment factor*. Alectra Utilities collects this money and pays this amount directly to our suppliers.
These are the costs of delivering electricity from generating stations across the Province to Alectra Utilities then to your home or business. This includes the costs to build and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers and poles and operate provincial and local electricity systems. A portion of these charges are fixed and do not change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or decrease depending on the amount of electricity that you use.
* When electricity is delivered over a power line, it is normal for a small amount of power to be consumed or lost as heat. Equipment, such as wires and transformers, consumes power before it gets to your home or business. The Loss Adjustment Factor accounts for these losses.
GS 50-4999kW
Monthly Charge
Per kilowatt charge
Per kilowatt-hour charge
Large Use
Monthly Charge
Per kilowatt charge
Regulatory charges consist of the Wholesale Market Service Charge (WMS), Rural and Remote Electricity Rate Protection Charge (RRERP), Ontario Electricity Support Program Charge (OESP) and the Standard Supply Charge (SS). These charges are set by the Ontario Energy Board and the same rates apply across the Province.
WMS charges are collected to recover the costs of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to operate the wholesale electricity market in Ontario. The RRERP charge is used to partially offset the higher cost of providing electricity to customers in rural and remote areas. The OESP is collected to pay the costs of providing eligible low-income customers with a monthly credit on their electricity bill. The SS is an administrative fee charged to customers who purchase their electricity directly from their local utility rather than a retailer.
Monthly Charge
Per kilowatt-hour charge*
*Billed on Adjusted Usage
Alectra Utilities invoices water, wastewater and stormwater charges on behalf of the Cities of Hamilton, Markham and Vaughan. If you have a question about your bill, please contact us. For a technical or water meter issue, please contact your municipality.
For water billing information click here.