Make a Service Request

Information and Applications for Builders, Developers, and Contractors

Are you a builder, developer, or contractor looking to apply for electric utility services and permits? Whether you are seeking to establish a new service connection, upgrade/modify an existing service, integrate distributed energy resources, collaborate on joint-use projects, manage subdivisions, or embark on capital projects, this page will help point you in the right direction. 

Please select the project type below for more information on how to make a service request with Alectra Utilities and access all necessary applications.

Select Project Type

New Service Request (Commercial and Residential)

Applications may be submitted for both residential and commercial project types. 

Note: For a generator install, please see the instructions for Service Upgrades below.

Step 1: Submit a Service Application 

Submit your service request online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal. The application requires information such as project details, customer and contractor details, technical requirements, electrical drawings (if needed), billing information, project timing, and other applicable information that may be required based on your project type. 

Step 2: Application Review 

A design technologist will evaluate your application and create a comprehensive service design, where applicable. This service design will include necessary construction standards and a cost breakdown, and it will be sent by email. In certain instances, particularly for larger-scale projects, a design pre-payment may be required as an initial step. Any design pre-payment will be applied towards the overall project fee. 

For projects that do not require a design pre-payment, the service design process typically takes between one to four weeks from the submission date, assuming all necessary documentation is provided in the application. For more extensive projects, the assignment of a design technologist will follow the receipt of the pre-payment. Due to the scope and complexity of larger projects, along with procurement restraints, a lengthier timeline should be expected. 

Step 3: Payment 

If applicable, payment can be made via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or cheque. Detailed payment instructions are provided along with Alectra’s request for payment. For additional information, please email Currently, Alectra is not accepting any in-person payments, and does not provide drop boxes at any of our work centers. We recommend including the deposit request email or pre-construction bill when submitting payments for new service. 

Cheques should be mailed to: 

Alectra Utilities Corporation 
ATTN: New Connections (Your Reference Number*)  
55 John Street North  
Hamilton, Ontario  
L8R 3M8 

* Note: Please include your reference number in brackets. Your reference number will be in one of the following formats: NS00123456, UP00123456, or SR00123456 

Step 4: Site Preparation 

Where applicable, the applicant is responsible for completing any required Make-Ready work for their site per instructions indicated on the service design provided. Once the work is completed, the applicant shall notify Alectra’s New Connections department via email at

Step 5: Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) Inspection 

Contact the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) to obtain an inspection to ensure your site is safe for connection. The ESA will provide a connection authorization to Alectra Utilities to confirm the safety of the site. 

Step 6: Utility Make-Ready Work 

Alectra will complete any necessary utility Make-Ready work based on the project type. Timelines for this step can vary depending on factors such as locates and material procurement timelines. 

Step 7: Final Connection 

Once all service conditions are met, Alectra makes the final connection to the grid; this completes the service connection process. 

Note: Your first monthly invoice will be issued within approximately 45 days after your service is energized. Alectra accounts are set up in the owner’s name initially. If a tenant is moving in, please have them call 1-833-ALECTRA (1-833-253-2872) or visit Start, Stop, Move to set up their account.

Service Upgrades

Applications may be submitted for both residential and commercial project types. Service upgrade application types include: 

  • Panel Change (Fuse to Breaker, Like for Like, 60A – 100A)
  • Service Upgrade (>100A)
  • Generator Install
  • Service Change (Overhead to Underground)
  • Meterbase Relocation
  • Meterbase Repair or Non-Electrical Work

Step 1: Submit a Service Application 

Submit your service request online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal. The application requires information such as project details, customer and contractor details, technical requirements, electrical drawings (if needed), billing information, project timing, and other applicable information that may be required based on your project type. Technical specifications are required for all generator installs and should be submitted at the time of application. The account must be in good standing to proceed with a service upgrade. 

Step 2: Application Review 

A technician will review the application and provide a service design (if applicable) along with relevant standards and costs via email. A deposit may be required for some projects, which will be applied to the overall project fee. This process can take between one to four weeks; larger scale projects may take longer. Upgrade timelines vary by season and location. Some simple upgrades (e.g., fuses to breakers, < 200A upgrades) are typically reviewed and booked within 5 to 10 business days; more complex upgrades may take longer to review and book. A four-week lead time is typical for service designs for upgrade requests to 200A or larger. 

Step 3: Payment 

If applicable, a payment can be made via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or cheque. Detailed payment instructions are provided along with Alectra’s request for payment. For additional information, please email Currently, Alectra is not accepting any in-person payments, and does not provide drop boxes at any of our work centers. Residential customers are entitled to one free planned disconnect every 12 months, however there may be other costs related to the upgrade and these costs will be outlined on the service design. 

Cheques should be mailed to: 

Alectra Utilities Corporation   
ATTN: New Connections (Your Reference Number*)   
55 John Street North  
Hamilton, Ontario 
L8R 3M8  

* Note: Please include your reference number in brackets. Your reference number will be in one of the following formats: NS00123456, UP00123456, or SR00123456 

Step 4: Site Preparation 

Where applicable, the applicant is responsible for completing any required Make-Ready work for their site per instructions indicated on the service design provided. Once the work is completed, the applicant shall notify Alectra’s New Connections department. 

Step 5: Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) Inspection 

Contact the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) to obtain an inspection to ensure your site is safe for connection. The ESA will provide a connection authorization to Alectra Utilities to confirm the safety of the site. To find a list of licensed electrical contractors in your area, use the ESA’s contractor locator tool. 

Step 6: Utility Make-Ready Work 

Alectra will complete any necessary utility Make-Ready work based on the project type. Timelines for this step can vary depending on factors such as locates, municipality approvals and permits, and material procurement timelines. 

Step 7: Disconnect and Reconnect 

On the confirmed appointment date, Alectra or an approved contractor will attend your site to disconnect your service so your contractor may complete their work. Appointment times are specific, but we recommend your contractor be onsite 1 hour before your appointment time and be prepared to wait 1.5 hours after your scheduled time. Once your work is complete and necessary ESA approvals are obtained, Alectra crews will return to re-energize the service. You can book an appointment for a service upgrade by calling the New Connections department at 1-833-494-3674 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Temporary Service Request

This request type is typically used for builders or for temporary power when constructing a new residential house or small commercial building. 

Step 1: Submit a Service Application 

Submit your service request online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal.

  • Select Commercial application type
  • Enter postal code and select Next Step
  • Select Temporary Service request type and proceed to next steps

The application requires information such as project details, customer and contractor details, technical requirements, electrical drawings/site plans, billing information, project timing, and other applicable information that may be required based on your project type. 

Step 2: Application Review 

A technician will review the application and provide a service design (if applicable) along with relevant standards and costs via email. A deposit may be required for some projects, which will ultimately be applied to the overall project fee. This step can take between one to four weeks; larger projects may take longer. 

Step 3: Payment 

If applicable, a payment can be made via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or cheque. Detailed payment instructions are provided along with Alectra’s request for payment. For additional information, please email Currently, Alectra is not accepting any in-person payments, and does not provide drop boxes at any of our work centers. 

Cheques should be mailed to: 

Alectra Utilities Corporation 
ATTN: New Connections (Your Reference Number*) 
55 John Street North 
Hamilton, Ontario
L8R 3M8 

* Note: Please include your reference number in brackets. Your reference number will be in one of the following formats: NS00123456, UP00123456, or SR00123456 

Step 4: Site Preparation 

Where applicable, the applicant is responsible for completing any required Make-Ready work for their site per instructions indicated on the service design provided. Once the work is completed, the applicant shall notify Alectra’s New Connections department. 

Step 5: Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) Inspection 

Contact the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) to obtain an inspection to ensure your site is safe for connection. The ESA will provide a connection authorization to Alectra Utilities to confirm the safety of the site. To find a list of licensed electrical contractors in your area, use the ESA’s contractor locator tool.

Step 6: Utility Make-Ready Work 

Alectra will complete any necessary utility Make-Ready work based on the project type. Timelines for this step can vary depending on factors such as locates and material procurement timelines. 

Step 7: Final Connection 

Once all service conditions are met, Alectra will make the final connection to the grid, completing the service connection process. 

Note: your first monthly invoice will be issued within approximately 45 days after your service is energized. Alectra accounts are set up in the applicant’s name for all temporary services. Should you have questions after your service is energized, please call 1-833-ALECTRA (1-833-253-2872) or email

Electric Vehicle (EV) Connections

Residential Level 2 EV Charger Installation 

A Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charger can add significant electrical load (generally, 40 amps) to your home. Having a garage or private driveway is the easiest way to enable your at-home charger installation, since having an interior/external wall next to where you park your EV is ideal. You’ll need a professional electrician to install a Level 2 EV charger. This guidance applies to EV chargers installed at individual residential dwellings as well as EV chargers installed by individual residential unit owners/tenants within a multi-unit residential facility. 

To find a list of licensed electrical contractors in your area, use this handy tool provided by the Electrical Safety Authority at

If your electrical contractor determines that you need to upgrade your electrical service to accommodate a Level 2 EV charger, follow the steps in Service Upgrades above to submit your request to Alectra Utilities. 

Non-Residential EV Charging Infrastructure Connection Process 

Below are the steps that must be followed to connect non-residential EV charging infrastructure to Alectra’s electricity grid. This process applies to the connection of Level 2 or Level 3 public charging facilities designed for commercial use, including: 

  • Fleet charging stations;
  • Workplace charging stations;
  • Public charging stations found along highways, at shopping centres, gas stations, service centres, and any other public spaces; and
  • Charging stations at multi-unit residential buildings (e.g., an apartment or condominium where the charging station is owned or operated by the building owner or a third-party charging service provider). 

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has developed the Electric Vehicle Charging Connection Procedures (EVCCP) document, which outlines the procedures, timelines, and workflows associated with the connection process for public charging facilities that service multiple electric vehicles. Note that this connection process is subject to change at any time. More information on the OEB’s EVCCP procedures can be found on their website.

The steps are as follows: 

  1. Preliminary Consultation 

    Customers may choose to request a preliminary consultation by submitting a completed EV Preliminary Consultation Information Request (EVPCIR). Alectra will respond to an EVPCIR by providing high-level connection feasibility information. 

    Completed EVPCIR forms shall be submitted to

    Upon receipt of EVPCIR information from Alectra, please proceed to step 2 below; customers may also opt not to submit an EVPCIR and proceed directly to a connection request in step 2 below. 

    Important Notes: 

    1. Please allow approximately 10 minutes to receive an email acknowledging our receipt of your application.
    2. Please ensure the form is completed in its entirety. Incomplete forms will be returned and will need to be resubmitted before Alectra can process them.
    3. Leave the EVPCIR Excel file in its native form and ensure that “EVPCIR” is included in the file name when submitting. Any supporting documentation or additional information must be submitted in PDF format. 
  2. Connection Request 

    Please submit a service connection request online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal

    • Select Commercial application type.
    • Enter Postal Code and Select Next Step.
    • Select your desired Request Type and proceed with the remainder of the application.

    You will receive a reference number upon successfully submitting your connection request.

  3. Offer to Connect 

    We will review the application and, once it is approved, issue an Offer to Connect that outlines the requirements and construction costs to connect the EV charging infrastructure. 

    If you decide to proceed with the project, you will be required to pay the connection fees detailed in the Offer to Connect. 

  4. Project Development and Construction 

    Development, design, and construction work commences. Once the charging infrastructure has been built according to Alectra’s requirements, you will need to apply to the Electrical Safety Authority for an electrical inspection. 

  5. Commissioning 

    You will have to complete and submit a signed Commissioning Verification Form. 

  6. Connection Agreement 

    For all intents and purposes, an executed Offer to Connect will serve as the Connection Agreement. 

  7. Connect

    Alectra will energize the facility.

Permanent Service Removals (Demolitions and Temporary Services)

Applications may be submitted for both residential and commercial project types. 

Step 1: Submit a Service Application 

Submit your service request online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal. To request a permanent service removal, you must have an active Alectra account. When you enter a postal code and start entering your address on the portal, your address will appear. Please ensure you have clicked on the correct address. Other details are required, including the meter number and account number for the requested removal location. Your account must be in good standing to proceed with a permanent service removal. 

Step 2: Application Review 

A technician will review the application and provide a service design (if applicable) along with relevant costs (if applicable) via email. This step can take between one to four weeks; larger projects may take longer. A representative will follow up with you prior to issuing the work to ensure there is a full understanding of what will take place. Permanent service removal may include significant costs, such as the cost to remove Alectra infrastructure if it’s no longer required. 

Step 3: Payment 

If applicable, a payment can be made via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or cheque. Detailed payment instructions are provided along with Alectra’s request for payment. For additional information, please email Currently, Alectra is not accepting any in-person payments, and does not provide drop boxes at any of our work centers. 

Cheques should be mailed to: 

Alectra Utilities Corporation 
ATTN: New Connections (Your Reference Number*) 
55 John Street North 
Hamilton, Ontario
L8R 3M8 

* Note: Please include your reference number in brackets. Your reference number will be in one of the following formats: NS00123456, UP00123456, or SR00123456 

Step 4: Site Preparation 

Where applicable, the applicant is responsible for ensuring Alectra crews have access to the property to safely remove your service. Please ensure any gates are unlocked, and there is nothing blocking Alectra equipment. The permanent service removal may include the removal of overhead lines, the supply transformer and the meter(s). 

Step 5: Utility Make-Ready Work 

Typically, the removal can be completed in one visit, however Alectra may need to attend the site on more than one occasion for more complex removals. Alectra will not remove customer-owned equipment. 

Step 6: Final Disconnection 

Once all service conditions are met, Alectra will de-energize and remove your service. 

Step 7: Final Billing 

Alectra will send a final bill that will include any consumption up to the point of the permanent removal.

Joint-Use Projects

For information and applications related to joint-use projects at Alectra, please refer to our Joint-Use Attachments web page. 

If there is a power connection required for a joint-use project, the attachment requires approval before submitting the service application online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal.

Subdivision Projects

A Subdivision Application Form must be completed in full and submitted by the developer prior to Alectra Utilities providing an Offer to Connect Agreement.

Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) Projects

For information and applications related to DER projects at Alectra, please refer to our Connecting Generation web page.

If there is a new service or upgrade required as part of your DER project, submit your service request online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal.

Customer Capital Projects

Depending on the location of the new development and the system constraints, Alectra’s system may not have sufficient capacity for a new commercial or industrial service. In such cases, a system expansion of Alectra’s distribution system will be required to bring an adequate supply to the proposed development. The extent, duration and cost of the system expansion will depend on various factors. 

Customer Capital Projects – Asset Relocations 

Customers may request Alectra to relocate or convert the distribution assets in proximity to their property, assuming the system constraints and the applicable standards are met. The costs associated with a system relocation or conversion will be chargeable to the customers driving the project. Please contact the Customer Capital Department at for any inquiries associated with the system expansion or asset relocation project.

Tip Image

While we make every effort to ensure timely delivery of products and services to customers, unprecedented delays in procuring/shipping certain equipment (such as transformers and switches) may delay new service or service upgrades for Alectra customers. 

We would like to reassure customers that Alectra’s supply chain and procurement teams continue to work with our vendors in securing necessary equipment, but we ask for your ongoing patience and understanding as some shipments may be delayed longer than usual. 

The long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has created disruptions across many industries that affect global supply chains, and this may impact some of our customers. We sincerely apologize for any delays experienced by our customers. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I live in Guelph; how do I make connection requests or get my questions answered?

For our customers in Guelph, please visit Alectra Connections - Guelph Area for answers on your existing account or if you have questions about new services, upgrades, temporary power, etc.

How long will it take to complete my service connection request?

The time it takes to complete your service upgrade, new service, or permanent removal request depends on factors including season, existing infrastructure, work complexity, materials procurement, utility locates, and municipal permits. Project duration can range from a few days to a few weeks for standard, residential upgrade requests, whereas larger, more complex residential and commercial projects may take several months.

How much will I have to pay for my service connection project?

Costs for your project will be outlined in a service design, or an offer to connect for larger projects. Service upgrades may not incur any charges from Alectra if the existing infrastructure supports the requested upgrade. Each residential customer is entitled to one scheduled disconnect/reconnect per year for electrical maintenance purposes, during regular business hours, at no cost. Project costs may vary based upon factors such as the construction methodology required to complete a particular request.

What payment methods are available for service connection projects?

You can pay via cheque or electronic funds transfer (EFT). Alectra does not currently accept credit cards for service connection work. Payment for these project types is not related to your regular monthly electricity consumption bill and should not be paid through your monthly Alectra account.

What is the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA), and how do they play a role in my project?

The ESA is responsible for enforcing the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. Most electrical work needs to be reported to the ESA by filing a notification of work. This is different from getting a building permit, and you may require both for your project. When an electrical connection is required for brand new electrical service, or when you need to reconnect your existing service after an upgrade, Alectra must first receive an ESA connection authorization, authorizing the connection or reconnection. Visit for more information.

How can I book an appointment for a service upgrade, and how long will it take?

You can book an appointment for a service upgrade by calling the New Connections department at 1-833-494-3674 during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

The lead time for scheduling a service upgrade varies across Alectra's service territory – some areas may have lead times of several weeks, while others may be as short as two weeks. Lead times also vary based on volume of work, season, and ESA availability.

As a customer, what infrastructure am I responsible for?

Refer to Appendix 5 in Alectra’s Conditions of Service for details on ownership and demarcation.

Where can I find Alectra’s standards?

Necessary standards will be provided along with your service design. If no design is required, any relevant standards will be sent out when your appointment is scheduled or shortly before. Contractors can register for Alectra standards on the Alectra Standards Registration Portal. Already registered? Log in to the Distribution Standards Portal.

What do I have to do if I need a primary isolation?

A primary isolation involves the disconnection of a segment of the power system from its main power source, applicable specifically to sections operating at voltages greater than 750V.  This high-voltage isolation is achieved using equipment like circuit breakers and disconnect switches, which are capable of handling and interrupting high-voltage electricity.

Depending on your territory, you will need to email the appropriate address with your isolation request: 

What are locates, and why do they take so long?

Locates refers to the essential process of identifying and marking underground utilities to prevent accidental damage during excavation, ensuring safety and infrastructure integrity is referred to as locates. 

There are many factors that can impact the length of time it takes to receive locates. For example, seasonality plays a role as there is normally a large spike in requests in the spring and early summer. Territory may also impact timelines, as smaller areas typically have fewer requests than larger metropolitan areas. 

Private locates cannot be accepted, and updates on locate statuses can only be obtained by the applicant, not the homeowner, unless they are one in the same.

How do I request an additional meter at my property?

When requesting additional meters, such as those for apartments, please initiate an upgrade request on the existing service and subsequently submit separate requests for each new apartment. This approach ensures the efficient setup of each new service within a reasonable timeframe. Within the upgrade application for the existing service, indicate the request of additional meters and your intention to submit individual applications, and include the upgrade reference number within each new meter application.

What do I have to do if I am installing an EV charger?

For most residential services, a 200-amp service will adequately supply the requirement of an electric vehicle (EV) charger. It is recommended that you contact a qualified electrical contractor to confirm your requirements. Once confirmed, if your service requires an upgrade to meet the needs of your EV charger, submit a service upgrade request online through the Alectra Utilities New Connections Portal

For more information about EVs, visit Enabling e-Mobility.

What is Make-Ready work?

Make-Ready work includes any work required as a prerequisite to making a service connection. Any necessary Make-Ready work will be identified on your service design. Depending on the type of project, there could be Make-Ready work for the customer (e.g., temporary pole for temporary service), or for Alectra (e.g., transformer installation). When customer Make-Ready work is identified, contact the New Connections team at or 1-833-494-3674 to confirm the work is complete.

Is your location?